Monday, January 28, 2008


Over the last couple of years I have been sensing more and more frustration from the general population. The people I talk to are frustrated because they see the world they knew, their moral values, and their hopes and dreams for the future of their children attacked from all sides. They are frustrated because they look to their elected leaders and see political pandering, wasteful spending, and oftentimes corruption. There is no leadership, there are no leaders, only politicians.

1 comment:

Critchlow said...

History repeats itself.

Reminds me of the fall of Rome or the troubles during Christ's time.

Ours is unique though. We have a system where we are supposed to have a democracy. What we have is an oligopoly.

I was thinking the other day that IF Hillary Clinton were to win the election the American people would be have Presidencies from only 2 families for possibly 28 years.

1. Bush Sr. 4 years
2. Bill Clinton 8 Years
3. Bush Jr. 8 Years
4. Hillary Clinton 8 Years (possibility)

That's a long time to be ruled by a very select group of people. That is what is scary you have families that breed professional politicians. Whatever happened to, "Serve your time then give the other guy a chance to earn a dime"?