Monday, February 11, 2008


I listened to Barack Obama's speech in Virginia Saturday night. I have to say: Obama is bright, articulate, passionate, charismatic, and completely wrong. Change is his the buzzword. Change in Iraq, change in foreign policy, change in healthcare, change in this, change in that. Change. Throughout the entirety of the speech he promised everything to everybody. If you had a malady or a problem, if you were poor or oppressed he was proposing change for you. With all the changes he was proposing I never caught on to how Obama was going to make all of those changes, or what those changes would cost. Or most importantly: what freedoms his changes were going to take away. Yes, Obama is bright, articulate, passionate, charismatic, and completely wrong.


Critchlow said...

It looks as though he has captured the drive buy media and the coach sloaching public. He caught on to what people want to hear- shared it- and they ate it up. 7 states since Terrible Tuesday and still at it. Hillary must be reelling.

Obama hasn't even capped out in terms of funding- he still has over a million people that haven't contributed upto the $2,000. Hillary is cashed out and can't ask for more from her supporters- they have all given the $2,000 cap.

Not to mention the voter turn out for the DNC primary has been 40% higher than the GOPs. I am not sure you can stop the discontent of the DNC and the people who will vote change no matter how ambiguos the details of that said change are.

Does Repelican really think that McCain can carry the general election?
The GOP has given the DNC an opportune gift that the DNC hasn't had in a generation. Strategically, the GOP has failed us.

Jim said...

He had the gall to offer change to the poor and oppressed? We must stop this man!!

The poor and oppressed must stay in their place!

Those without healthcare must remain uninsured!

This war in Iraq needs to continue until we have Victory! (Do you think we can get the USS Missouri out of mothballs so whoever is the leader of the insurgency can hand over their sword and sign a declaration of surrender? I'm sure Bush still has that "Mission Accomplished" sign around somewhere.)

The Patriot act needs to last into perpetuity so our freedoms and rights are not taken away. (oops, sorry, that's what the Patriot Act did in the first place.)

Obama must be stopped!!


Critchlow said...

The title of your blog should read: "The Repelican, (coma) Brief"

Because it really has been brief and short lived...come on now let us hear you!